Unfortunately there will be pig racing at the Franklin County Fair. Elizabeth Nett, a member of WMARA, is organizing protests against this cruel event. She will be there at 4:00 on Friday if anyone is interested in meeting up with her. I can give you her information if you send me a private message. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be pig races at 11:45, 2:15, 4:30, and 7:00. Elizabeth is going to try to protest the 2:15 event on Saturday. She has signs if people would like to protest at a time where she isn't there. Elizabeth lives close to the fairgrounds and has offered to drive people from her house to assist with parking. …
Event Description
Unfortunately there will be pig racing at the Franklin County Fair. Elizabeth Nett, a member of WMARA, is organizing protests against this cruel event. She will be there at 4:00 on Friday if anyone is interested in meeting up with her. I can give you her information if you send me a private message. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be pig races at 11:45, 2:15, 4:30, and 7:00. Elizabeth is going to try to protest the 2:15 event on Saturday. She has signs if people would like to protest at a time where she isn't there. Elizabeth lives close to the fairgrounds and has offered to drive people from her house to assist with parking. …
About the Group

The Valley Vegan and Vegetarian Group
Northampton, MA Founded on May 30, 2021